Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Day 31 – Eighteen vs. Thirty-Six

So to honor Memorial Day and to remember those that we have lost (family, friends and such), the crew decided to deplete a few reserves of our beer stores. So for the first time in a very long time, I got plastered. Not proud of it and this is why my blog entry is late today and probably going to be pretty short.
I am not against drinking or anything. I am the farthest thing from an alcoholic. The truth is I have the bladder of a woman than is nine months pregnant. If I drink one beer, I am pissing three. So it is not often that I tie one on. And the body of a thirty-six year old guy does not rebound nearly as quickly as that of an eighteen-year-old. But the grills were going and we all spent some time on the roof in the sunshine. If you kept your angle low and didn’t bother to look over the side, you could almost forget we were in the middle of the zombie apocalypse.
It was a good time for everyone. Thanks to Oklahoma’s rather stiff laws regarding alcohol, 3.2 beer is all we have. There is a liquor store next to the convenience store that we share a parking lot with but it is a pretty tough run to score some hooch.
Still, today the temperatures have started to reach into the nineties for the first time of the season which is leaving us with a rather pungent problem. We have a number of bodies littering our parking lot. Many of these are zombies that Lance and Brad have been taking out from their sniper positions on the roof. Once those bodies start to ripen and cook in the heat on the asphalt, we could be in for some serious stench issues, not to mention the health risks.
So we are going to have to figure out how to dispose of these bodies. Burying them does not seem very practical. The time to dig the graves, place the bodies, and then cover them back up would leave team members pretty exposed. Burning them seems to be a pretty viable option but I don’t really know how to start…
Ugg. My head hurts and I am in serious need of some Gatorade. More tomorrow…