Friday, June 10, 2011

Day 40 – Zombology 101: Herd Mentality

To try to deal with my growing depression, I have been trying to find a way to vent my anger. Some people might punch a heavy bag or break things. I have found that putting a bullet between the eyes of these walking monstrosities is wonderfully cathartic. Now, the rule with the zoms is to put a bullet in the head. Destroying the brain destroys the zombie. It is the only fool proof way to put them down. But this is harder than it looks. I know horror movies show their heroes running through the streets shooting at zombies trying to block their path and scoring shots right in the middle of the forehead with every bullet fired. This is much harder than Hollywood makes it look. Even with a steady mounting, a powerful scope, and a slow moving, unsuspecting target, this is not an easy shot to make. But in sighting in these shambling horrors, I have been studying them more and more…
Before all of this happened, I was a country boy. Well, I liked air conditioning and I could tell you more about programming HTML language than tracking down whitetail bucks. But when you have 120 acres as your backyard, you are not exactly “citified.” I had a riding lawnmower because my lawn was too big to push mow, I would dodge snakes when running out in the back pasture. I could lie in my bed at night and hear the coyotes howl. (In Oklahoma, they are pronounced “kai-oats” not “kai-o-tees.”) And Alex and I would often go down to the creek to measure how high the water rose after heavy rains. I’ve separated cows into their herds, banded a few (don’t ask), bottle fed a small handful, and helped my father-in-law put out feed. Again, I would say I qualify as more country than city.
As I mentioned, I would often run in my back pasture. But being a big guy, it is embarrassing to run on the road. I don’t want what few neighbors I have to see me attempting to exercise and when you are from a small town and people see you walking on the side of the road every other car will pull over to see if you need a lift home.
So I would run out in the back pasture where the cows would graze and I saw my fair share of “herd mentality.” In many ways, zombies are not too different from cows in their behavior. They utilize a herd mentality.
I don’t know how the decided who the alpha is but if you can get one or two headed in one direction (say chasing someone) then it is not too hard to get all the rest of them shambling in that direction. They can be lured. And if they can be lured, that means they can be lured away. That is a huge advantage for us… and I think that it is time we start exploiting that advantage…
More soon.