Thursday, May 12, 2011

Day 11 – An Apology For an Altercation

So today has not exactly been a good day. Kasondra is a friend of mine and Janet and I have had far too many conversations over the years to not consider her a friend. So I had to explain to Janet, Kim and Kasondra my plan involving the quarantine zone for Brad and his group. Friday is coming faster than you can imagine and I had to let them know.

Kasondra is not happy with me. I understand her frustration and I want to sympathize but I will not risk exposing Alex to infection. I refuse. The argument got rather heated. Kasondra asked me if I would implement the same safety protocols if Amy was part of that group. I have to admit, I paused. And she used that as an opportunity to assert her side of the argument. Emotions took over. I tried to remain analytical and I can do that because Amy is not part of that group. Her fiancé is 500 yards away and that stress is wearing on her. So when we took our argument to the next level… she took a swing at me. I landed awkwardly and there was no real malice behind the punch. The crew separated us and got the two of us away from each other. I did not retaliate in any way. Kasondra is about to crack and I can completely understand why. Still, I kind of lost my temper when she could not see my point of view and I called her something. I think I might have used the word “stupid.” I didn’t call her stupid but said she was being stupid. I think there is a big difference.

Still, Sharon stepped in. (Again, thank God for her.) She was able to use that Grandmother tone that I just do not have and was able to settle everyone down. I am even writing all this to kind of blow off steam and keep my perspective. But everyone has agreed to the QZ plan. But all this is for nothing if Brad and his group don’t get over here safely tomorrow. We are still trying to decide when they should make their run.

In theory, the cover of darkness would give them an advantage but it also cloaks the zombies. They could be running into a crowd of them and not even notice. Broad daylight gives us plenty of vision but also keeps them highly visible. Maybe if I discuss this with Kasondra, it will show that I care about their survival and will give us common ground to focus on. But we have to hurry. The clock is ticking…
More soon.