Saturday, May 7, 2011

Day 6 - The Year One Plan

Last night, we all got together for a big dinner. God bless Sharon and her tremendous cooking abilities. We got together to all talk and our dinner conversation took a seriously dramatic turn. For the first time since the outbreak, we collectively talked about the future.
If our theory is correct, there has to either be a cure for this terrible disease or we have to outlast the infected. The best we can tell, these creatures are not alive. So, based on the laws of nature and science, microbial organisms have to be chewing through these things like no tomorrow. I seriously doubt that are story is going to end like War of the Worlds where all the aliens all keel over and die because of bacteria. But it might be something that simple.
Take a piece of meat and throw it out in the July sun. Without wild animals devouring it, how long would it take for that meat to become rotten and decayed enough that it wouldn’t stay connected to the bone? So that it wouldn’t support a skeletal structure? How long does a deer or dog carcass remain on the highway, cooking in the summer heat before it all just deteriorates into nothingness? Eventually, these zombie bodies are going to rot away and die off.
The virus may still be alive and contagious within their dead flesh but if their bodies are so deteriorated that they cannot support the skeletal structure… Well, I think you can see where we are going with this.
We are better off than most people. We are in a fully supplied grocery store. We have food, water, medicine (because of our pharmacy department) and thanks to a few of our survivors, we have weapons. We are safely barricaded inside.
So all we have to do is outlast the horde.
We have taken a vote and we agree on a target frame of ONE YEAR.
We are going to isolate ourselves for one year, still broadcasting on any available frequency, hoping to outlast this apocalypse until we can find a refuge or safe haven provided by the government… if there even is still a government left. Sorry about that presidential bid, The Donald. I really wondered how an election would have played out between you and Obama.
So until then, we are going to remain safe within our new home.
Hey, no one is saying that this is going to be easy. It is going to be a long year. But what is the alternative? I for one don’t want to be shuffling my feet walking around mumbling “Brains…” But in order to survive in here, we are going to have to do some serious modifications.
So it is time to go to work…
More soon.