Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Day 9 – Hoping Against Hope

I think Kasondra slept on the roof last night. At some point between this entry and last, she literally ripped the white board off of the wall in the produce department and carried it up to the roof along with dry erase pens, a cleaning rag, and the pair of binoculars that Hunter brought inside when he entered the building back on Day 1. Thanks to Hunter and Alex, we have a few firearms and a small amount of ammunition. (I swear I will explain Zero Hour. It is just that things are happing way fast.) Still, we do not have enough weapons to pull off what Kasondra is going to ask me.
Kasondra is waiting nervously on the roof to see ACE Hardware by the dawn’s early light. Part of me is really afraid that she is setting herself up for a huge fall. But another part of me is really hope it is him…