Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Day 9 – Operation: Rescue Dawn

Okay, I am not certain how this is possible because when we asked him, Brad simply replied with a giant smiley face emoticon. I don’t know who he is with but apparently Brad has more weapons than we do. A lot more. And they have a plan. We are not going to get them. They are going to come to us. They just want us to have the doors opened for them when they get here.
They have enough food and supplies to get through to the weekend. They can last until Friday. Yeah, Friday the 13th. Don’t think that little nugget isn’t lodged in my mind.
But I have a serious problem with this. So I pulled Sharon to the side and we have discussed this quietly in her office because I know how Janet and Kasondra will react to what I am proposing.
Obviously because of all the glass, there is a reason why we barricaded the front doors. The only other entries are either through the back door into the Produce Department or through the Rear Vendor Entrance. This means they are going to have to circle around the back of the store to get in. And there is no telling how many zombies will either be chasing them or be between them and the door.
Granted, we fully plan to cover their entry into the building from the roof with what weapons we do have but there are still lots of hidey hole places where a zom could be lurking. And we still have not settled on a time frame. But that is the least of our problems.
If we are going to let them in here – around my fourteen-year-old son – I have to be 100% sure than none of them are infected. I am not letting anyone else into this store until they agree to serve time in a quarantine zone for a sufficient amount of time until we know they are not infected. I have to find a way to approach this to the group and I need some time to get ready for their arrival.
I already have a plan lined out but I need to get to work.