Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Day 16 – Survivor Profile: Ryan Mathews

Admittedly, the group is trying to move forward after the loss of Keith. It has not been easy. Still, everyone seems to look around at each other quite differently, as if sizing them up and wondering how the group would handle the loss if this person or that person gets bit next. So we just have to make sure not to let that happen. With that said, let’s move on…
If this is going to be a record for history, then history needs to know about the wonderful people that survived this horrible event and, truth be told, they are some wonderful people. Then there is also my ego that hopes that if you have been reading this from the beginning, you might be wondering who the other person on the end of this blog really is. Stroke a man’s ego, ladies. That is how you get him to pay attention to you.
So if I am going to tell you about the survivors, who better to start with than me? Unfortunately… I don’t really know where to begin. Normally, I am my favorite subject. ;-P
At the time of this writing, I am thirty-six years old. I worked in the Produce Department at Reason’s. This was actually my old job back in high school and the plan was for me to work here while my wife went back to school to get her RN license. We could really use her medical training right now. Don’t get me wrong, Kasondra is great. The army has trained her well but I kind of get the impression her medical training is more about patching holes and keeping soldiers alive. And Kim and Jennifer know which medicines are for which ailments. Still, a bona fide nurse would be a tremendous addition to our ragtag team… But rather than have her nursing skills, I miss her more as my wife.
Amy and I’ve been happily married for 14 years. (Note: I may speak about my job and society in the past tense but I still consider my marriage ongoing. She is out there somewhere. I know it.)
The greatest thing in our marriage is our son, Alex Ryan Mathews. He is with me here in the store. He safely navigated his way here from home during Zero Hour of the outbreak. Quite a feat considering Alex will turn fifteen in October and his only real time behind the wheel is either on the Xbox or out in the cattle pasture with his grandfather. (Note: During the only time he drove Granddad’s pickup, he did sideswipe the pickup with the trampoline.) Strange but I am happy he was too sick to go to school that day and I got him here with me. Don’t freak out. It was the flu. He was really on the mend and probably could have gone to school but I wanted him fully rested. He was getting all A’s anyway so I figured he could use an extra day of video games and lounging around the house since his illness did cost him a weekend.
But when I called the house, Amy had already left. She was going to Tulsa that morning and I am afraid that Tulsa is a hotspot of zombie activity. For all we know, all the major cities are. There is no telling where all this has spread from.
So Alex is my son. He is a good kid. I know all parents say that but he really is. Even at 14, he has one more growth spur and he will be as tall as me. I volunteer coached for his football team this year and at the end of the year, Alex had all his coordination going and got everything working in consort. He left bruises on me and the fellow coaches. He was also the biggest kid in his class. But at a charity basketball game earlier this year, one of his female classmates told me they call him “The Gentle Giant.” Part of this is because of his size but I think it is because he takes after his old man and roots for the New York Giants.
Still, he is tremendously protective. He sticks up for the little guys and was always encouraging of the underclassmen. It also made him a great offensive lineman. And he has a heart of solid gold. I could not be more proud. Still, I know the thoughts about his mom, his grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins… It is all weighing heavily on him.
I have to wonder what the future holds for Alex. I am going to talk with Kasondra and have her begin Alex’s training with firearms. The bigger the better. He plays the Nazi Zombie levels of Call of Duty. It is time for him to go beyond a game now.