Monday, May 2, 2011

Distress Call

Mayday. Mayday. Mayday. This transmission is for anyone able to respond. We are attempting communication via land lines and cellular telephones. We are also broadcasting via the Internet using blogging sites and social networking in an attempt to establish contact with the outside world in hopes of some form – any form – of rescue.
We are 17 survivors barricaded within the Reason’s Foods grocery store in Langley, Oklahoma at the Highway 28 and 82 Intersection near Grand Lake. To the best of our knowledge, we have successfully quarantined ourselves from the viral outbreak that has turned your average person into a shambling horror.
Please note: With what little information we have been able to gather, if this is the Manea Virus that they are talking about on the news – and we don’t see how it can’t be – all of the people inside our facility are showing no signs of infection.
For any government representatives or any members of the authorities searching for survivors, we are in need of your assistance. We will broadcast every morning between the times of 7:00 and 7:15 a.m. central time.
For any survivors that can receive our transmissions, we have security with an abundant supply of food, water, and medicines. If you can reach us, we can offer you a safe haven. But do not come light. Getting to us will not be easy. We are surrounded by the infected and the numbers could grow even more significant with every day that passes. Exercise extreme caution if you approach. We have completely barricaded the front of the store for obvious reasons but we can get you in through the back entrances.
God be with all of us. This is the voice of survivors. This is the voice of the resistance. We are still here. We are still alive. Godspeed.
End transmission.