Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Day 16 – A Message For My Wife

This entry is really more for me than for any historian or member of the government that might stumble across this. As I mentioned before, I emailed this blog address to my home and I am hoping that she might see it…
Amy, I hope that you have made it home and are safe. I know we had lots of food at the house and your Mom & Dad’s place is like a fallout shelter with all of their groceries that they buy from Sam’s Club. Still, with every passing day, my hope diminishes a little more. Are you safe? Did you even make it out of Tulsa? God forbid, are you shambling about as one of these horrors?
We have been studying these things for sometime now and I honestly believe that if you can get into a car, Langley has thinned out enough to where we could get you in the store. Alex took a number of your dad’s weapons and ammo but he said he did not take them all. I only had him unload one of the safes. So there is plenty of ammunition and pistols lying around. Combine that with the speed of your Mustang and you should be fine. Just go through Strang and come through the backside of Langley.
I miss you, honey, and I truly hope you are reading this. I hope you are still alive. I feel that you are. I hope. I love you…