Monday, May 23, 2011

Day 22 – Survivor Profile: The Chambers

If you have never worked in a small town environment, I highly recommend it. I know a lot of people would look down on multigenerational employees (think Jakob Dylan or Randy Orton) as saying that these guys only made it to where they are because of their fathers (Bob Dylan and “Cowboy” Bob Orton respectively). But multigenerational employees are often a staple in small town stores like Reason’s. Truth be told, when Alex was old enough to drive, I looked forward to introducing him to our Resource Coordinator and getting him a job.
One of the biggest success stories is The Chambers. First off is Janet Chambers. “Mama Janet.” “Janet the Invincible.” She is known by many names. Okay, so Janet was one of two “original” employees from when Reason’s opened its doors in Langley. The only other one was our store director who was lost to us in the opening salvo of Zero Hour.
Janet is this little spitfire of a woman. She just celebrated her 50th birthday and had worked for Reason’s for over 32 years. That really showcases her loyalty and dedication. I cannot imagine doing anything for over thirty years. Still, Janet ran the show in there. She is this little woman who has an indomitable spirit packed into a frame that is far too small. She has this wonderful spiritual presence to her and for one of the older ladies in our little funhouse of horrors we are living in… Janet has it going on. I bet she was a slice a pie back in her high school days.
She worked in the office managing all the money and all the paperwork that goes on in there. Stuff way over my pay grade.
Note: It was not a mistake that I put “worked” in that sentence above. I think it is pretty safe to say that the Reason’s company does not even officially exist anymore…
Janet reminds me a lot of my mother. I know that makes the slice of pie comment earlier seem down right creepy. But I could just see Janet and my mom sitting at a kitchen table pounding back glasses from a box of wine talking about their kids. I wish they could have met.
So, getting back to my multigenerational thread, when the time came, both of Janet’s children picked up jobs at Reason’s. First was Brad.
Brad Chambers led the show over at ACE Hardware and helped his crew get over here to Reason’s. However, before he worked at ACE, Brad did a fairly long stint at Reason’s. Brad and I would always talk movies when we worked together and even wanted to make his own army film. He loves Sylvester Stallone and is fascinated with all things military. I think this is part of the reason why he was attracted to Kasondra because of her involvement in the National Guard. And, admittedly, there is nothing sexier than a woman that has fired a .50 caliber machine gun from the roof of a Hummer.
So a few years ago, Kasondra was promoted to manager and her and Brad were dating. This was going to cause a conflict of interest as she was going to be Brad’s boss. So Brad decided to move across the road to work at ACE Hardware. (And I am sure all the survivors over at ACE thank God for that fact.) You all know the story of his harrowing escape to get back to Reason’s and his lovely bride-to-be. Kasondra and Brad were supposed to be married this past weekend but the whole Zombie Apocalypse kind of put the kibosh on their plans. That really is the most aggravating thing about zombies ending the world: They have no consideration for your personal life…
Brad is a bit of a momma’s boy… but in the best way possible. He loves his mother very much and I would say it was probably about 55/45% Kasondra/Janet motivation for Brad to get over here. However, Kasondra has confided in me that post-apocalyptic Brad has remained much more clothed than pre-end of the world Brad. And I kind of thank him for that. Apparently, the extent of Brad’s wardrobe consisted of boxer-briefs once he got home from work. Still, he is man pretty…
Now the third leg of this race is Kim. Kim works in the pharmacy and aside from our conversations about music or me pretending to fend off her constant sexual advances towards me, I have to admit, I don’t know her that well. I mean we have exchanged all the pleasantries when we go about work but I don’t know her hopes and fears. Not like a Kasondra or a Lance. If I were going to officially label us, it would be “buddies.” I would stop and say hi to her if I saw her at Walmart. I would definitely stop to help her if her car battery died. But we were never one to hang out on a Friday night. Where as Charles shows up at my house regularly and Kasondra has come over to play Rock Band and poker with me.
I need to get to know Kim better. And I want to. She seems like a nice enough girl. We just never really connected much before all of this. Still, there is that nagging feeling in the back of mind because of what happened to Keith. Maybe I should distance myself. Maybe I shouldn’t get too close to anyone. After all, statistically speaking, there is a percentage chance that I might have to put a bullet in her head.
Still, with the familial unit that the Chambers have up here and with Brad and Kasondra reunited, in a way, it gives me hope…