Saturday, May 28, 2011

Day 27 – Chain of Fools

I commented before on how we have this eclectic catalogue of music. It is really amazing how different everyone’s music collection is. The sheer variety is astounding. So, this morning, everyone was going about their morning routines. I cannot go so far as to say that I enjoy cleaning the bathrooms but I certainly do not mind doing it. I think it is more that I like to poop in cleanliness. There it is, really. I mean, it is the end of the world but that does not mean we have to live in filth. And we have an entire aisle in the store dedicated to cleaning supplies, so we have plenty to go around…
So, I was wheeling the mop bucket and my variety of cleaning supplies and I passed by Janet Chambers as she was going about with her morning routines. So I am wheeling down the aisle and Janet is doing her thing and as we make eye contact, Aretha Franklin’s “Chain of Fools” comes over the intercom music thanks to Kim. It was completely random, totally spontaneous. What happened? Janet and I started dancing. Just flat out, two white people dancing like white people to one of the most soulful songs ever produced. And through the whole thing, you could not have sandblasted the smile from my face. Hers either.
Amidst the absurdity of this insane world that we now live in, you have to find moments of entertainment. Of levity. I am a big book reader and I like to watch movies. But you need some sort of entertainment where you are forced to interact with your fellow man. We already eat together but we need more. We need to play games together. We need to set aside specific times where EVERYONE has to join in and we all interact with one another. Even the wallflowers. Because of our showering situation, there is really not much left to be embarrassed about.
So Janet has suggested Dance Party Thursdays. And I think it is a fantastic idea….