Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Day 17 – Our Official Plural Listing

Okay, fish swim in schools. It is a pride of lions. A pod of whales. A heard of cattle. A pack of dogs. We are officially referring to a collection of zombies as a SHAMBLE. It is a shamble of zombies.
Zombies shamble along. They don’t pick their feet up. Maybe they don’t have the strength. But they only run if a food source is near. So this is just our word for a group of them – a shamble of zombies. For anyone still alive in the trademark or patent offices, that is our phrase. Can you trademark a phrase or a word? Well, if you can, that is what we are doing here.
Unfortunately, Urban Dictionary is down. This is unfortunate because I used that website to learn what an “Upper Decker” was. But it also taught me the difference between a Cleveland Steamer and a Cleveland Steamroller. It is a HUGE difference. Well that and an Alabama Hot Pocket. Eww.
(For those survivors who happen to be reading this, I hope this offered you a moment of levity…)
I’m off to bed, kiddos. Sleep tight.